Monday, October 15, 2012

Running & Oatmeal :)

So, I mentioned a while ago that I signed up for a second half marathon, but I haven't talked about it since, mostly because I've not been doing much training....

After my first race, I really wanted to prove to myself that I could RUN a half marathon.  So, I signed up for the flattest, paved run I could find -- the Richmond Half Marathon.  It was also handy that Shane has been training for the Richmond Marathon and doing a much better job than me! --> maybe it's his awesome running motivation board on Pinterest ... filled with things like this :)

So, I took about 2 weeks off from any serious running after the trail race, and have slowly been getting back into it.  But as I look at the calendar, I realize I only have 3 more weekends before the race --- yikes! Where does time go?  I have been running at least 2-3 times a week and feel pretty good about it, but haven't done a long run yet. 

I am excited that Juno is finally running with me on and off leash!  Yesterday we did 4 miles together -- it really helps time fly :) 

We've had some nasty weekend weather, I've worked quite a few Saturdays, and I always play soccer on Sundays (so I don't want to run 6-8 miles before a game).  Beautiful place to spend a Sunday, huh?

And with the cold weather I find myself doing more of this...

But enough excuses, right?! I'm still determined to finish the race without walking!  I don't care how slow I run, I just want to have fun and cross that finish line :) So - here's to my first long(ish) run this weekend!!

How do you get motivated to run?!

In other news, I've recently become addicted to oatmeal.  Yup :)  I blame my friend (and running motivator!) Andrea.  She's been eating oatmeal for breakfast everyday for as long as I've known her and I always thought it'd be fun to try.  I never usually eat breakfast (horrible - I know!), but normally just grab a granola bar and banana to eat sometime before lunch.  Also, my only oatmeal experience in the past had been with instant oatmeal in little packets.  I knew eating real oatmeal would require me waking up at least 15 minutes earlier, and I love my sleep! But let me tell you, it's totally worth it!!! I've been on an oatmeal kick for at least 2 weeks now and already I can't imagine starting the day out any other way!  I really enjoy the cooking process and I feel like I have so much more energy throughout the morning.

One of the bloggers I follow has literally hundreds of delicious and fun oatmeal recipes.  I'd highly recommend the whipped banana oats.  I've been making this with 1/3 cup oats, water and almond milk.  Then adding in half the banana for whipping and the other half cut up fresh on top at the end, with a big glob of peanut butter, chia seeds and toasted walnuts.  I've also been putting in a big spoonful of pumpkin puree -- yum :)

So, wake up tomorrow and cook yourself some oats... and then go for a run! :)


  1. Eee!! I love that picture of you and Juno all snuggled up - so cozy!! I take full responsibility for your new addiction to oatmeal! :)

  2. I thought you might be happy to hear that, all thanks to you, as of yesterday, I am a convert of mixing in some pumpkin puree in my oatmeal. I've been an oatmeal enthusiast for a long while, and the introduction of pumpkin might be the best thing that's happened to my oatmeal bowl in years!

    1. Addison that makes my day!!! :) Amazing, huh?! Hope you two are well! Let's catch up soon!

  3. :) Absolutely...just let us know!
